Which City In Florida Has The Least Mosquitoes

Which City In Florida Has The Least Mosquitoes

If you’re someone who is allergic to mosquitoes or has recently discovered that mosquitoes love to feast on you because of your blood type O+, you might be wondering about areas in Florida with fewer mosquitoes.

As Florida’s state bird seems to be the mosquito, many people in the state are asking the same question: “Which City In Florida Has The Least Mosquitoes?”

Thankfully, mosquitoVibe is here to help you find out which cities in Florida have the fewest mosquitoes.

So read through till the end of this post to discover vital information about the city in Florida that has the least mosquitoes.

Orkin’s Report on Mosquito Cities

According to Orkin’s report, three of Florida’s largest cities, including Miami, find themselves on the list of the top 50 mosquito cities in America.

Miami rose two spots and is now ranked eighth on the list based on the number of commercial and residential customers served by Orkin from April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021.

Related Post: How Long Do Mosquitoes Live: (Understanding Mosquito LifeSpan)

Here are the rankings for the five Florida cities on the list, and how they moved up from last year’s ranking:

  1. Miami – No. 8 (+2)
  2. Tampa – No. 13 (+3)
  3. Orlando – No. 15 (+5)
  4. West Palm Beach – No. 30 (+4)
  5. Jacksonville – No. 37 (+8)

Worst City for Mosquitoes

The unfortunate title of the worst city for mosquitoes in the United States goes to Los Angeles, according to Orkin. Los Angeles took the top spot from Atlanta, which had held it for seven consecutive years. Atlanta now ranks No. 2 in 2021, followed by Washington, D.C., Dallas, and Chicago.

Which City In Florida Has The Least Mosquitoes

Based on the Orkin report, Miami is the city in Florida with the least mosquito problems. If you’re looking to move to a city with fewer mosquitoes bothering you, Miami is your best bet. However, it’s essential to be prepared for increased mosquito activity as the weather gets warmer.

Other Rankings:

  • Miami – Fort Lauderdale: No. 5
  • Tampa – St. Petersburg: No. 11
  • Orlando – Daytona Beach – Melbourne: No. 12
  • Mobile – Pensacola: No. 15

For the full list of rankings, you can check it out here.

Orkin’s Recommendations to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

To protect yourself against mosquitoes, Orkin recommends eliminating conditions that are favorable for mosquitoes in and around your yard. Here are some tips:

  1. Trim shrubbery since adult mosquitoes like to rest in dark, humid areas, such as under lush vegetation.
  2. Remove standing water from buckets, toys, and other containers as mosquitoes can breed in just an inch of standing water.

America’s Mosquito Hotspots Ranked

As summer approaches, many Americans look forward to outdoor adventures. However, one annoyance that comes with warmer weather is the presence of mosquitoes.

These small, buzzing insects can be a real nuisance during various outdoor activities, be it a simple backyard barbecue or a long vacation.

Interestingly, not all states in the US are equally plagued by mosquitoes. To assist you in getting ready for mosquito season, we have compiled a state-by-state ranking of mosquito hotspots.

This helpful list will enable both locals and tourists to plan ahead and take the necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites this summer.

And fear not; in today’s world, effective solutions like Mosquito exist to protect you from mosquitoes, ensuring you’re covered no matter which state you reside in. So, let’s dive into the details!

States With The Highest Mosquito Rates In The U.S.

Dealing with mosquitoes can vary significantly across different states in the U.S. Here are the top five states with the worst mosquito rate.

1. Louisiana

Louisiana tops the list as the most susceptible state to mosquitoes. Its hot and humid summers create an ideal breeding environment for these pesky insects.

The average temperature from May to July in 2022 was 81.3°F, while the state’s ample summer rainfall and diverse mosquito species contributed to their proliferation.

2. Florida

Known for its stunning beaches and warm climate, Florida unfortunately also ranks high as one of the most mosquito-infested states.

The combination of high average rainfall and warm temperatures provides an attractive habitat for mosquitoes, placing the Sunshine State in second place.

3. South Dakota

Despite lacking a hot and humid climate like Louisiana and Florida, South Dakota holds the third spot as a mosquito-prone state.

In 2022, the state faced a significant number of West Nile virus cases, and it’s home to over 40 mosquito species.

Proper precautions should be taken by residents and visitors during the summer months.

4. New York

Similar to South Dakota, New York’s higher number of West Nile cases, mosquito species diversity, and average summertime rainfall contribute to its fourth-place ranking.

This indicates that not only hot and humid regions like Louisiana and Florida experience mosquito issues, but other states face challenges as well.

5. Texas

As the second-largest state in the U.S., Texas boasts warm weather and diverse terrain. Its humid climate during the summer offers an optimal breeding ground for mosquitoes, and the state is home to numerous mosquito species.

These factors collectively rank Texas fifth among the most mosquito-prone states in the nation.

Other states that are also highly prone to mosquitoes, but not as high as the five listed above, include:

  • Delaware
  • Nebraska
  • Georgia
  • Alabama
  • North Dakota
  • South Carolina
  • Kentucky
  • North Carolina
  • Mississippi

States With Fewest Mosquitoes

In certain parts of the United States, mosquitoes can be a nuisance, but there are regions where these bothersome insects are much less prevalent.

Michigan is the state with the fewest mosquitoes and also stands out as the top state for outdoor enjoyment without constant mosquito swatting.

Its favorable factors include mild summer temperatures, limited mosquito species, low summer rainfall, and the absence of West Nile cases throughout the state.

Next on the list is Nevada, which surprisingly has fewer mosquitoes despite its high summer heat. The state’s low rainfall creates an environment that is less appealing to these pests.

Washington and Oregon both secure the third spot, followed closely by Utah, Idaho, Alaska, Massachusetts, and Tennessee.

Although these states still experience some mosquito activity, they are generally less affected by mosquitoes compared to other areas in the country.

Here is the list of States with fewest Mosquitoes in the U.S:

  • Michigan
  • Nevada
  • Washington
  • Oregon*
  • Utah
  • Idaho
  • Alaska
  • Massachusetts
  • Tennessee
  • Kansas
  • Wisconsin
  • New Hampshire
  • Connecticut

Are There Places Without Mosquitoes?

In the United States, two places are known to have no mosquitoes: Antarctica and Iceland. 

While Antarctica may not be a travel destination for most people due to its extreme conditions, Iceland offers a mosquito-free experience, making it an excellent place to visit for exploring the northern lights and enjoying hot springs.

Related Post: How To Inject Mosquito Spray In Sprinkler System 

Places Without Mosquitoes in the US

If you prefer to travel locally within the US and avoid mosquito bites, consider visiting cities with low humidity, high elevation, and more rainfall. Some such destinations include:

  1. Sedona, Arizona – The desert climate keeps mosquitoes away, and the beautiful setting makes it an ideal place for outdoor activities like mountain biking and hiking.
  2. Portland, Oregon – Cooler temperatures and regular rainfall prevent mosquito swarms, making it an attractive destination for culture, great food, and limited mosquitoes.
  3. Kailua-Kona, Hawaii – The acidic land and little standing water make it difficult for mosquitoes to thrive, and areas with ocean breezes and higher elevations have a lower chance of bug bites.

Places Without Mosquitoes Outside the US

If you’re interested in traveling abroad, there are popular destinations with limited mosquitoes, including:

  1. London, England – The city’s rainy conditions and cool temperatures deter mosquitoes, making it a great place to explore historical treasures and enjoy limited bugs.
  2. Puebla, Mexico – High-elevated climates in Puebla provide a sunny destination with fewer mosquitoes.
  3. Chile – With many beautiful coastlines and mountainous regions with cool temperatures, Chile offers an interesting destination free from significant mosquito bites.

Enjoy a Mosquito-Free Holiday

To relax without dealing with many mosquitoes, you don’t have to travel far. You can enjoy a staycation in your own yard by controlling mosquitoes with the help of the Mosquito Squad or Mosquito Joe.

The duo mosquito barrier treatment offers up to 21 days of protection from mosquito nuisances. To learn more about protecting your yard from mosquitoes, read our Mosquito Joe Reviews.


  1. https://www.orkin.com/press-room/orkin-releases-top-50-mosquito-cities-list
  2. Top 50 Mosquito Cities: Florida cities make the list
  3. States With Most & Least Mosquitoes Ranked: 2023 Report

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